Green Family

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Teeth & Stuff

I gotta catch up on a few things... My Mummy's been forgetting to help me post my important news on my blog. So after my first birthday I started to get teeth. My Mummy and Daddy say "it's about time", well they hurt so I'm not sure I want them, but they seem to be coming anyways. I have five teethies coming in. See?
Besides getting teeth I have been busy about the house. I've discovered that it's fun to make a mess. I like making a mess, especially taking CD's off the shelf, throwing all my little people all over the floor and best of all I like to steal the newspaper from Daddy in the morning and chuck it all over the floor. I laugh and laugh when I do this. Daddy however, is not so impressed.
But hey I'm a responsible one year old I know when I've been bad and I clean up my mess. I discovered the swiffer. I love to push that thing around the floors. Mummy and Daddy say I can do do that all day and catch dust bunnies. I don't see any bunnies anywhere but I do see lotsa fluff on the floor. Well as much fun as it is grow teeth, make a mess and clean it up again I like to kick back once in while and watch a little Simpsons.


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